The conception of cell as the smallest functional thing is cannot
be maintained anymore Microorganism as unicellular organisms is the fact there
will be a funcsional thing smaller or under the tiny thing of a cell.
A cell has three layers of cell-wall consisting of ekto,
meso, and endoderm , cytoplasm contains organnels and a nucleus. Inside the
nucleus are chromosomes. Chromosome is a microscopic thread-like bundle that carries the genes
and other DNA in the nucleus of a cell. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, so
all chromosomes are 46. The fairs of chromosomes are derived from parent, a
half of the fair chromosome comes from mother and another half came from
Gene composed of three kinds of amino acid from combination
of three of the genetic code ATGC (Adenine, Thyamine, Guanine, Cytosine) The
Qur’an describes the genesis of human microbiologically as in the surah
az-Zumar ayat 6. He created you (all) from a single person (Adam); then made from
him his wife (Eve). And He has sent down for you of cattle eight pairs (of
sheep, goat, oxen and camel).
He creats you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after
creation in three veils of darkness. Such is Allah your Lord. His is the
kingdom. None has the right to be worshipped bu He. How then are you turned
away?” Other translation is “He created you (all) from a single person: then
created, of like nature, his mate; and He sent down for you eight head of
cattle in pairs: He makes you, in the wombs of your mothers, in stages, one
after another, in three veils of darkness. Such is Allah, your Lord and
Cherisher: to Him belongs (all) dominion. There is no god but He: then how are
ye turned away (from your true Center)?”
The late Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his commentary to the above
verse, the translator affirms that the four pairs of cattle, viz., sheep,
goats, camels and oxen mentioned by him in his translation are associated
"with certain Arab superstitions". He continues to write; these four
kinds of cattle were then regarded "as representative of domestic cattle
given by Allah as useful to man". Upon examination it is noticed that not
only Yusuf Ali but the majority of the translators have copied their works from
earlier translations upholding the same pre-Islamic superstition not sciences
Upon closer scrutiny one notices the fact that the text
immediately following this "superstition" is not only out of step but
is beyond common sense and logic. Allah could not have revealed that He had
sent or provided the pairs of sheep, goats, camels and oxen within a message
concerning "in the wombs of mothers, in stages, one after another".
Embriologists develop their conception in development
biology that a single cell of sperm is the first deriver of life process of
human. Min nafsin wahidah may be interpreted as from a single cell of the human
cell in mother womb. Tsumma ja’ala minha zaujaha may be interpreted companion,
one of pair, geneticists call it as pair of homolog in procees of synapsis in
the early stages of conception. Tsamaniyata azwaj may be interpreted with the
two strands of DNA that are held together between the chemically base pair (the
genetic code ATGC=adenine, thyamine, guanine and cytosine) The word anam is
interpretated as living creature it means genes the carrier of life characters
The ending part of the verse is questioning the unbelievers after being faced
to the empirical proof (scientific fact) of his body development. The
development from one single cell to millions of cells having the same
The germ layers begin to form quite early in human embryonic
development. The outermost layers is called the ectoderm. The innermost layer
is the endoderm. Between these two germ layers lies the mesoderm. At first
these three germ layers are more or less uniform. Soon they begin to take
different characteristics. In each layers of embryo, tissues and organs begin
to take shape. Every adult organ is identified with one of these three germ layers
of darkness. The evident of scientific has so empiric and rational as it is
described in the Qur’an.
Therefore, for biologists there are no other ration but to believe
the truth of Qur’an, and they wil pray, Rabbana ma khalaqta hadza batila. “Oh Lord !
You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You!. Give us
salvation from the torment of the Fire” We say subhanaka (exalted are You above
all that they associate with You as partners), man have no power to do
something even a small thing without the help and guidance of Allah and we
cannot do even move our limbs without the energy given by Allah. So, for
biologists ans sciences developer through their findings out of researches
there is no reason for not obeying the order of Allah and they will become a
good muslim.