Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Herbal Remedies For Heart Disease

Herbal Remedies For Heart Disease

Prescription natural herbal remedies for heart disease with breadfruit leaves

Yours Disease and medicine.
Traditional medicine of heart disease with breadfruit leave:

Body Organ the heart is one of the body organ vital for life, given its function is very important in the metabolism of the body is as pumping blood throughout the body tissues and filters the blood and heart disease is the number one killer disease worldwide it is proved by many cardiac specialty hospitals.

 If you have heart problems such as heart palpitations, weak heart, etc., always use traditional natural herbal remedies advance in the treatment of treatment or prevention, one of which is prescription natural herbal potions heart disease using breadfruit leaves.

 Breadfruit leaf properties have been researched by Indonesian Science Research Institute  (LIPI) chemical research center in collaboration with other research experts stating that the breadfruit leaf extract has benefits and efficacy as a natural herbal remedy for cardiac and blood vessels.

 Breadfruit leaf extract can isolate artocarpanone compounds useful as painkillers. To treat heart disease in addition to the breadfruit leaves, can also use other herbal ingredients as leaves of  red betel leaf ginseng, etc., how to make a potion recipes ??? Here is the explanation.

 a. Using breadfruit leaves. Prepare this material:
1) 1 leaves of breadfruit.
2) 1.5 liters of water.

 How to manufacture and consumption. Wash thoroughly breadfruit leaf. Dry it in the sun to dry properly. Torn into pieces in order into smaller pieces.
Boil with water that has been used to prepare 1 liter of water to boil and the remaining half directly add 0.5 liters of water remaining until boiling.
Remove and strain the water.

Take natural herbal medicine for the heart it 2 times a day, morning ~ afternoon regularly to taste the risk of recovery.

 b. Using red betel leaf. Prepare this material.
1) 4 fresh red betel leaves large size.
2) 4 cups of water (800 ml).
How to create a potion.
-Clean up betel leaves and tiny little pieces.
-Boil 4 cups of water over medium heat.
-Turn off the heat when the water is boiling and the remaining 2 cups.
-Strain and let cool. Drink in the morning and late afternoon / evening.

To the maximum usefulness, in a drink before eating.

 c. Using betel leaves synergistic.
Provide material as this prosedure :
1) 4 pieces of betel leaf.
2) 2 handfuls of leaves.
3) acid (30 grams).
4) 2 medium-size fruit vegetable Star-fruit.
5) 4 leaves of ginseng.
6) 3 grams of dried tubers.
7) 3 cups of water (600 ml).
 How to make natural herbal remedies for heart disease and how its consumption.
Wash all ingredients with water to clean buildup.
Cut to small slices.
Boil the ingredients until boiling and the water stayed half.
Strain the water and chill.

Take the composite and drink three times a day while still warm.You can mix the honey that is not too bitter.

d. With the intake of Omega 3 products omega squa Nature.
 Product nature omega squa (nos) is highly efficacious herbal medicine for heart health in extract of shark oil bottle that contains 10 x more powerful than salmon blue highly prevent blood clotting.

Did you know that tickness of blood (blood circulation dirty and clogged) are at risk of serious illnesses such as: Stroke and Various disorders heart disease.

 Cholesterol. And a variety of disease caused by narrowing of the arteries. Omega squa also very nice as nourishing the brain, lowering cholesterol and efficacious both to treat and nourish the heart.

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