Monday, August 31, 2015

Establishing Health in the Environment

What is the environment factors.

Establishing Health in the Environment Environment is a combination of physical condition includes a state of natural resources, as well as the flora and fauna that grows on land and in the sea. Environment consists of two components biotic (everything animate) and abiotic (all inanimate).

Clean Environment Healthy Living

Environmental clean healthy living environment that has meaning far from the conditions that cause disease. Clean environment will support the realization of a healthy life. The significance of a clean environment is healthy environment in which we live gives a good impression on the senses and provide health significance.

Occupied environment can support and influence the lives of human beings. If the environment is occupied, people get used to a healthy life, this course will give the impression that both for themselves and society. But otherwise if you live around people who live familiarize dirty and likes to get drunk this will affect your psychological and mental, these conditions should avoid if married because this environment can affect your child relationships and healthy housing that makes beautiful village.

Creating a Clean and Healthy Environment

There are many things we can do to live a healthy life, here are some ways to realize the creation of a Clean Environment Healthy Living.

1. The neighborhood around the house

Fresh home and Asri, source: Google Images

Healthy environment begins with yourself and in the surrounding environment. Health care for themselves, and therefore let us keep and maintain the health of the environment to stay clean. Provide rubbish places in each room that allows the bins are located, usually in the kitchen, in the bathroom and on the home page. Should we provide two types of bins, namely wet waste and dry waste, if the waste is mixed with it will cause the unpleasant smell, and benefits if we separate the dry waste and wet waste is that we can process the waste into useful items back ( recycle) .Buanglah garbage that has accumulated at a certain time or when the trash is already almost full. Do not wait until the dumpster is full because it will cause the unpleasant smell and bring cockroach / flies.

Apply also the principles of 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce) which means Reuse = Reuse, ReCycle = Recycle and Reduce  Provide shelter yard organic waste because the organic waste will be useful later for compost.

2. Clean the floor regularly.

Starting with a sweep up using  mopping floors containing anti-bacterial formula. The floor is part of the house that is directly exposed to the skin, if the dirty floor of course germs will stick to the skin dam causing disease. If the floor of the house is clean and scented will create a good impression and of course good health as well. Should regularly clean the house because of the regular beauty and comfort of home will be more awake.

3. Avoid water Swampy or stagnant

Avoid puddles because stagnant water can cause the breeding of aedes aegypti / dengue mosquito. Avoid puddles immediately and burning garbage piled up in the yard. Healthy water has the characteristic as in this article.

4. Make the ventilation and light spaces

Keep air vents allow fresh air always goes into the house and give room for shining light to enter the room. This will make the house not stuffy, fresh, and not look dull. Good air circulation will affect the quality of the house. A dirty air at home can be easily replaced with clean air.

5. Do Work Activity, the schedule of working can be done accordingly,

6. Expand green plants

Establishing Health in the  Environment  Greenery  in the yard of the house that will make the house look beautiful and fresh. Dirty air will quickly change into fresh air. Thus the article Clean Environment Healthy Living. Hopefully house and nature around us becomes fresh and beautiful, specially in the climate change atmospheric condition.


  1. needed awareness of all the people to create a clean and healthy environment

  2. Establishing Health in the Environment is joint liability

  3. Speaking healthy it easy
    but it is difficult for a healthy life
    healthy desire it does not cost
    but after illness require expensive

  4. My home is my castle even my heaven
    there is not the most convenient place melaikan home alone
