CV M Subandi, A healthy environment creator.
Mr Subandi : the winner of International Best Article Writing Competition in Poland, with his article of environmental inspiration "Cannot Survive without It" and "No Fear of Starvation"
and the Receiver of Indonesian Ministerial Award as the Creative Educator in 2012.
His tracts record in environmental care are commenced from Education and Teacher Training of UIN Bandung. He created healthy environment out of neglected land as follow:
This original condition.
efforts were done in the activities of students. He planned and encauraged his student to convert the barren and neglected land.
The original condition (neglected yard in southern part of campus) was growing to form comfortable for living and educative environment.
Achievement in Converting a Neglected Land to be A Biological Garden of Biology Education Department (Beneficial for students field practices) When he was the Head of Biology Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty (2003-2006)
Below is photo of Students presenting and demonstrating arguments on environment. A fresh air condition under the shadow and amid the vegetation (12 March. 2011)( Several months before the EBG was converted into Electrical Power Generator site of the new campus arrangement under the Islamic Development Bank Building Project. Farewell, the Miniature after years of serving as Educative Biological Garden). He has put the idea and continued by my successors. The Aves Cage and the 6 x 4 m Bamboo Hut are now moved and stand in other side of the campus. Amid my busy as dean of other faculty, He sometimes came to see the historical buildings, from those the idea came and the articles written won the Best Article writing Competition in Poland.
This environment was created not a given.
This is his CV.
Education :
-Estate Academy of Bandung. Graduation 1978 Institute of Public Administration of Bandung. Graduation 1984
- Agriculture College of Sumedang. Graduation 1992
-Language College Al-Jawami . Arabic Study Program. (1991) uncompleted .
- Graduate Program of Padjadjaran University . Crop Science Master Graduation 1996
- Graduate Program of Padjadjaran University . Agriculture Doktor Program, Graduation 2002
Overseas Academic Visit/Courses:
-Academic visit/comparative curricular study in International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.2012
-Academic visit/comparative study in Egyptian Universities: Al-Azhar Univ, Cairo University, and Suez Canal University. of Ismailiyyah. And Environmental survey on the Nile River (Soil and water Conservation.) 2012
-Workshop on Foresight for Innovation, COMSTECH of OIC Organization Islamic Conference. Islamabad, Pakistan, 2011
-Workshop on the Incorporation of Environmental Education in the Educational Curricula for Primary and Secondary Levels and Revision of Textbooks. Organized by Isesco (Islamic Science, education and cultural Organization) and UNESC, December 2010 Dhaka. Bangladesh.
-Academic visit to Islamic School in Songkla Province, South Thailand, 2010.
-Workshop on Smart Laboratory Management. November 2010. Selangor. Malaysia
-International Capacity Building Short Course. Melbourne University. Victoria Australia (November-December 2009)
-Comparative study to National Singapore University and Malaysia (2008).
In Home Courses of Languages/Islamic:
-English , Harvard EC, ELS. International ,Al-maksoem English College.of Bandung Paow College, Bina Dharma English College,(1976, 1999). Bandung. Indonesia.
-Arabic training (1976), Arabic course Padjadjaran University (1994). Imarat Arabic Training (2010), Islamic Centre Arabic Course (2010)
-Training Qira’at Sab’ah (Great Mosque of Bandung, 1976).
Working-Job Experiences:
-Asisstent to Manager Crumb Rubber Factory . Estate Crop Enterprise in Jakarta (1978-1979).
-Asisstent to Manager of Coconut and Rubber Tree Plantation (1979-1980)
-Teacher of Agricultural Senior Higher School (Sukabumi-Soreang-Cianjur-Karawang district ( 1980-1988).
- Head of Personnel Section of Education Office Service of. Karawang District (1986-1988).
- Head of Admintration of Agriculture Faculty of Winaya Mukti University (1988-1997).
- Head of Research and Regional Development of Winaya University (1997-1999)
- Head of Research and Experimental Institute of Winaya Mukti University (1999- 2002).
- Lecturer (Academic Staff) of Tarbiyyah and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati of Bandung (September 2002-Desember 2003)
-Head of Biological Education Study Program of Tarbiyyah Faculty of the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung December 2003- Juli 2006)
- Reviewer Boards of Asean Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, AESS Journal, Pakistan. Editorial Board. The International Journal of Basic and Applied Science. Insikapub. Indonesia.
-Dean of Science and Technology Faculty , the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati of Bandung (Juli 2006- 2010/2010-2014).
- English (oral: good, written : good)
- Arabic (oral : bad, written : Fair) .
Community Activity :
1. Head of Islamic Madrasah and Rois of Masjid of Jatisari Village Teaching Islamics in village madrasah.
2. Member of Village Ulama Council Khatib and Imam in University Mosque and in Village Mosque
1. Prize winner and Award/Appreciation of Islamic Education 2012 from Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
2. Medal of 20 years devotion to the Republic of Indonesia as Public Servant 2010. From The President of the Republic of Indonesia.
3. Award Image and Prize as the First Winner in the International Best Article Writing Competition in Poland. Sky Red, Ltd. 2012
4. Appreciation from the Rector of the State Islamic University of Bandung for the Academic Achievement in 2012.
5. Appreciation From The President of the Asian and Social Science Society (AESS), Karachi Pakistan, for my devotion to Assist the Development of AESS. 2012.
A. Books (Published)
1. Darras Book. ESP. Research and Community Devotion Institite of the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati of Bandung (UIN Bandung) 2014.
2. Basic Microbiology (Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi.) Published by Gunung Djati Press, ISBN 978-979 9263-40-7. Bandung 2009. 220 + xii. Pages Format A5.(Written in Indonesian)
3. Science and Technology in Islamic University (Sains dan Teknologi di Perguruan Tinggi Islam) . Gunung Djati Press. ISBN978-979-9263-44-5. Bandung .2009. 115 +vi.pages Size Format A5 (Written in Indonesian).
4. Some Cases in The Revelation Guide on Science, The Islamic Scientific Paradigm. Published by Gunung Djati Press. 2009. ISBN 978-979-9263-42-1. 122 + vi.pages Format A5(Written in English)
5. Biotechnology , Theories and Laboratory Manual (Bioteknologi. Teoritis dan Panduan Praktik). Published by Gunung Djati Press. Bandung. ISBN. 978-979-9263-43-8. 86 + vii.pages Format A5(Written in Indonesian)
6. The Dynamic of Growth and Yield of Ramie Plant (Dinamika Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Serat Rami (Boehmeria nivea (L) Gaud). Publisher Gunung Djati Press. 2009. ISBN978-979-9263-41-4. 137 + xiv. Pages Format A5(Written in Indonesian)
7. MicroBiology,( Development, Studies and Observation in Islamic Perspective) Published by Remaja Rosdakarya,2010. 230 pp+xxii. (Written in Indonesian)
8. Estate Crops Cultivation. Gunung Djati Press. 2010. 176 pp.
B. Research Articles,
Articles in journals presented in National and International Seminars Published in Journals or publications as stated. (in Indonesian or English):
1. Science As Subject of Learning in Islamic University. Journal of Islamic Education. Vol 1, number 2, December 2014 M/1436 H. The Faculty of Tarbiyyah and Teacher Training. The State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. In Collaboration with Association of Indonesian Islamic Education Schoar. (CoAuthor : Abdelwahab M. Mahmoud.Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt).
2. Physiological Pattern of Leaf Growth at various Plucking Cycles Applied to Newly Released Clones of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L. O. Kuntze). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 3(7) 2013: 497-504
3. Developing Islamic Economic Production. Science Technology and Development. A Quarterly Journal. Vol. 31 (4). 2012. Pakistan Council for Science and Technology. Islamabad.
4. Scientific and Technological Literacy in Islamic Perspective. As Presenter and the Article in Proceeding International Seminar on Scientific and Technological Literacy. Presented in Bandung, 13January 2013.
5. Cannot Survive Without It (water).(2012). First Winner in the International Best Article Writing Competition. July 2012 in Poland.
6. No Fear of Starvation (2012). Second Winner in the International Best Article Writing Competition.July 2012. In Poland.
7. Several Scientific Facts as Stated in Verses of the Qur’an. International journal of Basic and Applied Science. Vol. 1. No.1. July 2012. Insan Akademika Publication.
8. Some Notes of Islamic Scientific Education Development. 2012. International Journal of Social Science. Vol. 2. Issue 7. July 2012. AESS, Karachi. Pakistan.
9. The Effect of Fertilizer on The Growth and Yield of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L) Gaud. 2012. Asean Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. Vol.2. Issue 2. June 2012. AESS. Karachi. Pakistan.
10. Islamic Scientific Education Development in the State Islamic University of Bandung, Proceeding of Short Course Acadenic Writing and Comparative Study, Asian Institute of Melbourne University. Victoria ,Australia. December 2009.(written in English) .
11. Living Creatures and their Ecology in the Studying in The Islamic University of Bandung. Paper Presented in National seminar on Ecology. Auditorium University of UIN SGD Bandung. 15 Mei 2008.
12. Oxygen (naarun) and Chlorophyll (Syajaru al-Akhdlar) Form Food and Energy for Life. ISTEK Juran Kajian Islam ,Sains dan Teknologi. Vol.II. No. 3-4 Edisi Desember 2008. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. ISSN 1979-8911. h.293-300.(written in English)
13. Thinking Approach in Biology in the Paradigm of Revelation Guide on Science. ISTEK Journal,Sains dan teknologi. Vol.II. No. 1-2. Edisi Agustus 2008. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. ISSN 1979-8911. h.37-47
14. Experts Idea on Integration of Science and Religion. Religion Guide on Sciences. State Islamic University of SGD Bandung 2006.
15. Research Strategic in Sccience and Technology In The State Islamic University of Bandung. UIN SGD, Research University, UIN SGD Bandung 2006.
16. Economical Prospect Analysis of Ramie Cultivation. ISTEK. Journal . Media Pengembangan Islam, Sains, dan Teknologi Volume 1, No 2. Juli Desember 2007. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
17. Growth of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L) Gaud) CV Pujon 10. Planted in Two Different Biophysical Areas. Presented in International Seminar on Natural Sciences and Applied Natural Sciences . Auditorium Kampuss III University of Ahmad Dahlan. Yogyakarta. February, 17, 2007.(written in English)
18. The Firtst Order in The Qur’an is The Quest for Knowledge : Special Verses Refer To Natural Process of Photosyntheses. Proceeding of the International Seminar in Bandung. .(written in English)
19. Science and Technology Education Required the Balance of Theories and Laboratory Practice, Media Education Journal Fakultas Tarbiyah. 2005.
20. Response Ramis Plants on Fertilizer, Buletin Ristek Balitbangda Jawa Barat, Volume 1 No, 1 Juni 2002. Hal. 29-32.
21. Planting Period and Planting Space with Special Reference to Dry Land Sugar,. Majalah Bulanan Kopertis Wil III Jabar, Wawasan Tridharma, No. 8 tahun X Maret 1998. hal. 21 -24,
22. Effects of Triakontanol and Picking Cycle on Physiological and Yield of Tea, Majalah BulananKopertis Wil. III Jabar, Wawasan Tridharma, No. 9 tahun IX, Maret 1997, hal. 14-17,
23. Effect of Growing Media on Growth of Vanilla Stem Cutting, Majalah ilmiah Unwim Vol. IV No. 4 Maret 1997 hal. 37-39. .(written in English)
24. Foliar Fertilizer Application on Stem Cutting of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) . Scietific Magazine Unwim Vol m. No. 3 Oktober 1996 hal. 23-25.
25. Drying Process of Rubber. . Proses pengeringan dan Pengaruhnya Pada Kualitas Karet Sheet (Skripsi Sarjana Muda Lengkap. 1977)
26. Management productivity .ProduktivitasPengelolaan Sekolah SPMA di Kabupaten Bandung (Skripsi S1 STIA Angkasai (1981).
27. Member of Research.Anggota Tim Peneliti Penelitian Mata Pelajaran Muatan Lokal Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Karawang. Departemen Pendidikan RI dan Dinas P dan K Jabar (1986)
28. Anggota Tim Penelitian Budidaya Ikan Unggulan di Jawa Barat (Dinas Perikanan Jabar 1 999),
29. Expert Staff of Projek Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Perkotaan (P2KP) Jawa Barat (2000)
30 . Respon Tanaman Rami di Lingkungan Biofisika yang berbeda (Disertasi S3, 1999-2001).
31.. Scholars in The Islamic Golden Ages in Revealing Scientific Information in the Qur’an. Dialektika Budaya Journal of Islamic Culture, History and Language. Faculty of Adab and Humanity . State Islamic University of Bandung. Vol XIV/No.2/November 2007. .(written in English).
Friday, December 9, 2016
M Subandi science tech created a healthy environment
M Subandi science tech. created a healthy environment
An environment is created and not given as shown by the creation's M Subandi here the story:
-He was the winner of Best International Writing Competition in Poland in 2012;
(Connot Survive without It and No Fear of Starvation):;
-He was the Winner of Prize and Receiver of Ministerial Appreciation of National Islamic Education of the Year 2012. Some of the Achievements :
-As The First Dean Faculty of Science and Technology. _Developing Scientific Education. In the year 2004, then I was a lecturer of Biotechnology in the Faculty of Tarbiyyah when he was appointed by Rector of University as one of New Faculty Preparation Committee. And in 2006 he was elected by the lecturer commission to be the first Dean of the newly established Faculty of Science and Technology.
As the first Dean, he managed non Islamic study scholars to prepare the curriculum, syllabies, libraries, laboratories, studios, workshops and botanical garden and other means and infrastructures for the new faculty. At the time of established the Faculty consisted of Informatic Technology, Agrotechnology, Biology and Mathematics study programs. Now we (he and his colleagues) manage seven study programs with the edition of Physics, Chemistry and Electronic Technology.
My objectives are ;
1. Islamization of Knowledge. Through the consortium of knowledge of University (a board of professors and scholars in charge of formulating academic normatives) he introduced scientific elaboration of mufasir Qur’anic interpretations.
In the board he was the only member having natural science educational back ground and have “a little Islamic knowledge”, others are Islamic studies scholars or Scientists having very little Islamics. Thank to the Almighty God, Alhamdulillah, he had ever learn ‘Ilmu Nahwu and Sharaf and read Qur’an interpretation,
Attended Arabic courses, ‘ilmu tajwid and qiraat sab’ah before and when he was studying for agricultural degrees. And now, he is as mudarris and the head of Madrasah in my residence (village in Tanjungsari district).
Member of village ulama council and a member of mosque building and renovation committee. he has written and presented Islamic scientific papers in national and international seminars organized by Islamic Universities and National University in Indonesia.
And once he has ever presented an Islamic Scientific paper in the Asian Institute of Melbourne University in Australia.
2. Preparing and supporting the Gaining of the Second Golden Age of Islam. He was interested in Avicenna (Abu ‘Ali al-Husayn ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn Sina) works as the Canon of Medicine (al-Qonun fi at-Thibb) and others famous Islamic scholars. He has written and published a microbiology book (in Indonesian), with Islamic reason and introducing the finding of Ibn Sina in the introduction chapter. It is a text book for Islamic Students.
His obsession is to update and to revise the book and nourish with more and more Ibn Sina’s theories and innovations and conceptions. He was always encouraging and inspiring all the academic staff to study the Islamic pioneer’s findings in the medieval ages while thinking, innovating and pursuing the most modern knowledges. I am sure that from my Faculty of Science and Technology will appear alumni of integrated Islamic personality.
They are scientist or technologist and also are strong in Islamic values as al-Biruni, al-Jahiz, al-Kindi, Ibnu Rushdi (Averroes), al-Idrisi, Ibnu Bajjah, Ibnu Zuhr, Ibnu Tufail, al-Suyuti, Geber, Abbas Ibnu Firnas Ibnu al-Haytham (Alhazen), Ibnu al-Hafis, Ibnu Khaldun, al-Khwarizmi, al-Masudi, al-Muqaddasi dan Nasir al-Din al-Tusi.
3. Achieving the welfare life of ummah in accordance with the willingness of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. The welfare of life is the integrated achievement of economic and non economic matters. To get a success in economic, muslims have to master science and technology.
Muslims have to be able to produce by themselves theirs needs for all means of life (the basic needs as food, clothes, shelters, means of transportation and communication), even we have to develop and master the production of means for ummah self depend. How we protect our brothers, our holy lands in case of disputes with the disbelievers if we have no such the the depend means. We construct weaponry not for destruction.
The disbelievers say when you want peace prepare for fight. Our Faculty with seven study programs will meet those ummah ideas and needs. Beside microbiology text book, I have also managed to publish four other books are: -Some Cases in the Revelation Guide on Science, the Islamic Scientific Paradigm (in English).
The aim of the book is to introduce some detailer scientific elaborations of mufasirin interpretation of Qur’anic ayah. -Sains dan Technology di Perguruan Tinggi Islam (in Indonesian). (Science and Technology in Indonesian Islamic University).
This book describe the Islamization of Science, description of science and technology and compare between Islamic and western knowledge. -Dinamika Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Serat Rami (Boehmeria nivea) (in Indonesian) (Dynamic of Growth and Yield of Fiber Ramie).
Ramie Fiber is a kind of fiber crop. It is the nearest same quality with cotton fiber. Fiber for clothing and other industrial usage. -Bioteknologi, Teoritis dan Panduan Praktik (in Indonesian).
(Biotechnology, Theories and Practice Manual). Book explains the theories of biotechnology and Agricultural Biotechnology practices. Biotechnology as applied science will assist ummah to get their needs.
That are about M Subandi that created a healthy environment.
An environment is created and not given as shown by the creation's M Subandi here the story:
-He was the winner of Best International Writing Competition in Poland in 2012;
(Connot Survive without It and No Fear of Starvation):;
-He was the Winner of Prize and Receiver of Ministerial Appreciation of National Islamic Education of the Year 2012. Some of the Achievements :
-As The First Dean Faculty of Science and Technology. _Developing Scientific Education. In the year 2004, then I was a lecturer of Biotechnology in the Faculty of Tarbiyyah when he was appointed by Rector of University as one of New Faculty Preparation Committee. And in 2006 he was elected by the lecturer commission to be the first Dean of the newly established Faculty of Science and Technology.
As the first Dean, he managed non Islamic study scholars to prepare the curriculum, syllabies, libraries, laboratories, studios, workshops and botanical garden and other means and infrastructures for the new faculty. At the time of established the Faculty consisted of Informatic Technology, Agrotechnology, Biology and Mathematics study programs. Now we (he and his colleagues) manage seven study programs with the edition of Physics, Chemistry and Electronic Technology.
My objectives are ;
1. Islamization of Knowledge. Through the consortium of knowledge of University (a board of professors and scholars in charge of formulating academic normatives) he introduced scientific elaboration of mufasir Qur’anic interpretations.
In the board he was the only member having natural science educational back ground and have “a little Islamic knowledge”, others are Islamic studies scholars or Scientists having very little Islamics. Thank to the Almighty God, Alhamdulillah, he had ever learn ‘Ilmu Nahwu and Sharaf and read Qur’an interpretation,
Attended Arabic courses, ‘ilmu tajwid and qiraat sab’ah before and when he was studying for agricultural degrees. And now, he is as mudarris and the head of Madrasah in my residence (village in Tanjungsari district).
Member of village ulama council and a member of mosque building and renovation committee. he has written and presented Islamic scientific papers in national and international seminars organized by Islamic Universities and National University in Indonesia.
And once he has ever presented an Islamic Scientific paper in the Asian Institute of Melbourne University in Australia.
2. Preparing and supporting the Gaining of the Second Golden Age of Islam. He was interested in Avicenna (Abu ‘Ali al-Husayn ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn Sina) works as the Canon of Medicine (al-Qonun fi at-Thibb) and others famous Islamic scholars. He has written and published a microbiology book (in Indonesian), with Islamic reason and introducing the finding of Ibn Sina in the introduction chapter. It is a text book for Islamic Students.
His obsession is to update and to revise the book and nourish with more and more Ibn Sina’s theories and innovations and conceptions. He was always encouraging and inspiring all the academic staff to study the Islamic pioneer’s findings in the medieval ages while thinking, innovating and pursuing the most modern knowledges. I am sure that from my Faculty of Science and Technology will appear alumni of integrated Islamic personality.
They are scientist or technologist and also are strong in Islamic values as al-Biruni, al-Jahiz, al-Kindi, Ibnu Rushdi (Averroes), al-Idrisi, Ibnu Bajjah, Ibnu Zuhr, Ibnu Tufail, al-Suyuti, Geber, Abbas Ibnu Firnas Ibnu al-Haytham (Alhazen), Ibnu al-Hafis, Ibnu Khaldun, al-Khwarizmi, al-Masudi, al-Muqaddasi dan Nasir al-Din al-Tusi.
3. Achieving the welfare life of ummah in accordance with the willingness of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. The welfare of life is the integrated achievement of economic and non economic matters. To get a success in economic, muslims have to master science and technology.
Muslims have to be able to produce by themselves theirs needs for all means of life (the basic needs as food, clothes, shelters, means of transportation and communication), even we have to develop and master the production of means for ummah self depend. How we protect our brothers, our holy lands in case of disputes with the disbelievers if we have no such the the depend means. We construct weaponry not for destruction.
The disbelievers say when you want peace prepare for fight. Our Faculty with seven study programs will meet those ummah ideas and needs. Beside microbiology text book, I have also managed to publish four other books are: -Some Cases in the Revelation Guide on Science, the Islamic Scientific Paradigm (in English).
The aim of the book is to introduce some detailer scientific elaborations of mufasirin interpretation of Qur’anic ayah. -Sains dan Technology di Perguruan Tinggi Islam (in Indonesian). (Science and Technology in Indonesian Islamic University).
This book describe the Islamization of Science, description of science and technology and compare between Islamic and western knowledge. -Dinamika Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Serat Rami (Boehmeria nivea) (in Indonesian) (Dynamic of Growth and Yield of Fiber Ramie).
Ramie Fiber is a kind of fiber crop. It is the nearest same quality with cotton fiber. Fiber for clothing and other industrial usage. -Bioteknologi, Teoritis dan Panduan Praktik (in Indonesian).
(Biotechnology, Theories and Practice Manual). Book explains the theories of biotechnology and Agricultural Biotechnology practices. Biotechnology as applied science will assist ummah to get their needs.
That are about M Subandi that created a healthy environment.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Health is the expensive and heath is wealth
Health is expensive and is wealth
When we talk about health is as if we think of a very expensive wealth.
We illustrate it with women get pregnant, and start a family some parents to be really concentrate on the gender of the baby and are so concerned about.
Whether they will have a girl or a boy and the anticipation of it all is something that a lot of parents to be want to know, but in the end I do not think it should matter, as long as the baby and mother to be is healthy, and as long as the baby is well really should be something that is most important. I know the whole excitement of creating a nursery in the home, buying baby products, clothes and what colours to buy when you know you are having a baby, but those things should be the least of ones worry.
A baby who is healthy and doing well, should be the best gift of all. All life is so precious no matter how they come into this world and that’s what should matter
Health is so important at any age and unfortunately no matter what age you are, things happen to us. Health is not just about physical and medical, health is also about how people deal with emotional, mental and relationship health. In this life we have so much stress.
Life has become so fast paced and there are not enough hours in the day sometimes to fulfill everything we need to do, and sometimes things happen out of the blue which we cannot get to, people are so busy with school, work, home and so many responsibilities pile up, commitments we must attend to and everyone has worries and everything, which can lead to mental, emotional stress and its a crazy thing we all go through. In this day in age, a lot of families do not have too much time together as people have to work a lot harder to upkeep, put a roof over their heads, and so much more.
It puts a number on people and its an unfair world we live in these days, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do right? I myself had a health scare, but everything is good news and I am happy about it. Thank goodness and thank the Lord our God.
Unfortunately some are not so lucky and do not make it which is crazy and I wish everyone well, a good clean bill of health and wishing everyone all the best with everything. You maybe battling and getting through each day, and playing it be ear and I wish everyone many blessings. God forbid anything happening to everyone.
Lets put our health forward and concentrate on that the most and never lose hope. Always have faith, always live life positive. I know it is easier said than done, but positivity is the key to anything in life and no matter what life throws at us.
So its health as expensive as the wealth
All the best to all! So take it easy and live life to the fullest.
=====lest maintain and take care our heath.===========
When we talk about health is as if we think of a very expensive wealth.
We illustrate it with women get pregnant, and start a family some parents to be really concentrate on the gender of the baby and are so concerned about.
Whether they will have a girl or a boy and the anticipation of it all is something that a lot of parents to be want to know, but in the end I do not think it should matter, as long as the baby and mother to be is healthy, and as long as the baby is well really should be something that is most important. I know the whole excitement of creating a nursery in the home, buying baby products, clothes and what colours to buy when you know you are having a baby, but those things should be the least of ones worry.
A baby who is healthy and doing well, should be the best gift of all. All life is so precious no matter how they come into this world and that’s what should matter
Health is so important at any age and unfortunately no matter what age you are, things happen to us. Health is not just about physical and medical, health is also about how people deal with emotional, mental and relationship health. In this life we have so much stress.
Life has become so fast paced and there are not enough hours in the day sometimes to fulfill everything we need to do, and sometimes things happen out of the blue which we cannot get to, people are so busy with school, work, home and so many responsibilities pile up, commitments we must attend to and everyone has worries and everything, which can lead to mental, emotional stress and its a crazy thing we all go through. In this day in age, a lot of families do not have too much time together as people have to work a lot harder to upkeep, put a roof over their heads, and so much more.
It puts a number on people and its an unfair world we live in these days, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do right? I myself had a health scare, but everything is good news and I am happy about it. Thank goodness and thank the Lord our God.
Unfortunately some are not so lucky and do not make it which is crazy and I wish everyone well, a good clean bill of health and wishing everyone all the best with everything. You maybe battling and getting through each day, and playing it be ear and I wish everyone many blessings. God forbid anything happening to everyone.
Lets put our health forward and concentrate on that the most and never lose hope. Always have faith, always live life positive. I know it is easier said than done, but positivity is the key to anything in life and no matter what life throws at us.
So its health as expensive as the wealth
All the best to all! So take it easy and live life to the fullest.
=====lest maintain and take care our heath.===========
Biotyped pest of animal may move to human
Biotyped pest of animal
correlation with human health
Some pests or diseases of animal may have the adaptation to human and established new ecology.
When people susceptable due to lack of nutrition, the new ecology of pest may occurs.
At that time the new developing genotype may adapt in new ecology.
At first its life and develop in animal as host. In the abstain of animal, they may adopt in new ecology , human may be their ecology.
The use of the term biotype of insect pests of agriculture is discussed in the broad context of species, populations and individuals. There have generally been two quite distinct usages and thus two different concepts.
The first is a general concept which applies, confusingly, both to individuals and to populations of a species which share certain biological characteristics, usually concerning virulence on different host varieties, with little or no knowledge of their genetic bases. This is generally synonymous with the term host race, used by many authors.
The second is a very specific concept in which a particular gene or genotype for virulence in a pest is known to correspond with a particular gene for resistance in a host plant—the gene-for-gene relationship. We argue that the first concept is so general as to be of little value, and in some examples, such as the brown planthopper of rice, is potentially misleading. The specific concept depends on detailed genetic analyses which are available for very few examples and is thus of limited applicability.
We conclude that the confusion of the two distinct concepts is dangerous. It is not possible to argue from the general to the specific. The term biotype has often been used to cover our ignorance of the detail of any particular insect/plant interaction.
correlation with human health
Some pests or diseases of animal may have the adaptation to human and established new ecology.
When people susceptable due to lack of nutrition, the new ecology of pest may occurs.
At that time the new developing genotype may adapt in new ecology.
At first its life and develop in animal as host. In the abstain of animal, they may adopt in new ecology , human may be their ecology.
The use of the term biotype of insect pests of agriculture is discussed in the broad context of species, populations and individuals. There have generally been two quite distinct usages and thus two different concepts.
The first is a general concept which applies, confusingly, both to individuals and to populations of a species which share certain biological characteristics, usually concerning virulence on different host varieties, with little or no knowledge of their genetic bases. This is generally synonymous with the term host race, used by many authors.
The second is a very specific concept in which a particular gene or genotype for virulence in a pest is known to correspond with a particular gene for resistance in a host plant—the gene-for-gene relationship. We argue that the first concept is so general as to be of little value, and in some examples, such as the brown planthopper of rice, is potentially misleading. The specific concept depends on detailed genetic analyses which are available for very few examples and is thus of limited applicability.
We conclude that the confusion of the two distinct concepts is dangerous. It is not possible to argue from the general to the specific. The term biotype has often been used to cover our ignorance of the detail of any particular insect/plant interaction.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Happy Eid Fitrie
Happy Eid Fitrie.
Lilis Sudarmanah & Family express :
"Happy Idul Fitrie dear, hope our relationship become better than before, sorry if I made mistakes in the past time. But, I will be the best in the next."
Lilis Sudarmanah & Family express :
"Happy Idul Fitrie dear, hope our relationship become better than before, sorry if I made mistakes in the past time. But, I will be the best in the next."
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Herbal Remedies For Heart Disease
Herbal Remedies For Heart Disease
Prescription natural herbal remedies for heart disease with breadfruit leaves
Yours Disease and medicine.
Traditional medicine of heart disease with breadfruit leave:
Body Organ the heart is one of the body organ vital for life, given its function is very important in the metabolism of the body is as pumping blood throughout the body tissues and filters the blood and heart disease is the number one killer disease worldwide it is proved by many cardiac specialty hospitals.
If you have heart problems such as heart palpitations, weak heart, etc., always use traditional natural herbal remedies advance in the treatment of treatment or prevention, one of which is prescription natural herbal potions heart disease using breadfruit leaves.
Breadfruit leaf properties have been researched by Indonesian Science Research Institute (LIPI) chemical research center in collaboration with other research experts stating that the breadfruit leaf extract has benefits and efficacy as a natural herbal remedy for cardiac and blood vessels.
Breadfruit leaf extract can isolate artocarpanone compounds useful as painkillers. To treat heart disease in addition to the breadfruit leaves, can also use other herbal ingredients as leaves of red betel leaf ginseng, etc., how to make a potion recipes ??? Here is the explanation.
a. Using breadfruit leaves. Prepare this material:
1) 1 leaves of breadfruit.
2) 1.5 liters of water.
How to manufacture and consumption. Wash thoroughly breadfruit leaf. Dry it in the sun to dry properly. Torn into pieces in order into smaller pieces.
Boil with water that has been used to prepare 1 liter of water to boil and the remaining half directly add 0.5 liters of water remaining until boiling.
Remove and strain the water.
Take natural herbal medicine for the heart it 2 times a day, morning ~ afternoon regularly to taste the risk of recovery.
b. Using red betel leaf. Prepare this material.
1) 4 fresh red betel leaves large size.
2) 4 cups of water (800 ml).
How to create a potion.
-Clean up betel leaves and tiny little pieces.
-Boil 4 cups of water over medium heat.
-Turn off the heat when the water is boiling and the remaining 2 cups.
-Strain and let cool. Drink in the morning and late afternoon / evening.
To the maximum usefulness, in a drink before eating.
c. Using betel leaves synergistic.
Provide material as this prosedure :
1) 4 pieces of betel leaf.
2) 2 handfuls of leaves.
3) acid (30 grams).
4) 2 medium-size fruit vegetable Star-fruit.
5) 4 leaves of ginseng.
6) 3 grams of dried tubers.
7) 3 cups of water (600 ml).
How to make natural herbal remedies for heart disease and how its consumption.
Wash all ingredients with water to clean buildup.
Cut to small slices.
Boil the ingredients until boiling and the water stayed half.
Strain the water and chill.
Take the composite and drink three times a day while still warm.You can mix the honey that is not too bitter.
d. With the intake of Omega 3 products omega squa Nature.
Product nature omega squa (nos) is highly efficacious herbal medicine for heart health in extract of shark oil bottle that contains 10 x more powerful than salmon blue highly prevent blood clotting.
Did you know that tickness of blood (blood circulation dirty and clogged) are at risk of serious illnesses such as: Stroke and Various disorders heart disease.
Cholesterol. And a variety of disease caused by narrowing of the arteries. Omega squa also very nice as nourishing the brain, lowering cholesterol and efficacious both to treat and nourish the heart.
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Prescription natural herbal remedies for heart disease with breadfruit leaves
Yours Disease and medicine.
Traditional medicine of heart disease with breadfruit leave:
Body Organ the heart is one of the body organ vital for life, given its function is very important in the metabolism of the body is as pumping blood throughout the body tissues and filters the blood and heart disease is the number one killer disease worldwide it is proved by many cardiac specialty hospitals.
If you have heart problems such as heart palpitations, weak heart, etc., always use traditional natural herbal remedies advance in the treatment of treatment or prevention, one of which is prescription natural herbal potions heart disease using breadfruit leaves.
Breadfruit leaf properties have been researched by Indonesian Science Research Institute (LIPI) chemical research center in collaboration with other research experts stating that the breadfruit leaf extract has benefits and efficacy as a natural herbal remedy for cardiac and blood vessels.
Breadfruit leaf extract can isolate artocarpanone compounds useful as painkillers. To treat heart disease in addition to the breadfruit leaves, can also use other herbal ingredients as leaves of red betel leaf ginseng, etc., how to make a potion recipes ??? Here is the explanation.
a. Using breadfruit leaves. Prepare this material:
1) 1 leaves of breadfruit.
2) 1.5 liters of water.
How to manufacture and consumption. Wash thoroughly breadfruit leaf. Dry it in the sun to dry properly. Torn into pieces in order into smaller pieces.
Boil with water that has been used to prepare 1 liter of water to boil and the remaining half directly add 0.5 liters of water remaining until boiling.
Remove and strain the water.
Take natural herbal medicine for the heart it 2 times a day, morning ~ afternoon regularly to taste the risk of recovery.
b. Using red betel leaf. Prepare this material.
1) 4 fresh red betel leaves large size.
2) 4 cups of water (800 ml).
How to create a potion.
-Clean up betel leaves and tiny little pieces.
-Boil 4 cups of water over medium heat.
-Turn off the heat when the water is boiling and the remaining 2 cups.
-Strain and let cool. Drink in the morning and late afternoon / evening.
To the maximum usefulness, in a drink before eating.
c. Using betel leaves synergistic.
Provide material as this prosedure :
1) 4 pieces of betel leaf.
2) 2 handfuls of leaves.
3) acid (30 grams).
4) 2 medium-size fruit vegetable Star-fruit.
5) 4 leaves of ginseng.
6) 3 grams of dried tubers.
7) 3 cups of water (600 ml).
How to make natural herbal remedies for heart disease and how its consumption.
Wash all ingredients with water to clean buildup.
Cut to small slices.
Boil the ingredients until boiling and the water stayed half.
Strain the water and chill.
Take the composite and drink three times a day while still warm.You can mix the honey that is not too bitter.
d. With the intake of Omega 3 products omega squa Nature.
Product nature omega squa (nos) is highly efficacious herbal medicine for heart health in extract of shark oil bottle that contains 10 x more powerful than salmon blue highly prevent blood clotting.
Did you know that tickness of blood (blood circulation dirty and clogged) are at risk of serious illnesses such as: Stroke and Various disorders heart disease.
Cholesterol. And a variety of disease caused by narrowing of the arteries. Omega squa also very nice as nourishing the brain, lowering cholesterol and efficacious both to treat and nourish the heart.
00000000000000- ----------000000000000000000
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Figure :Above are photos of plants as result of afforestation in Egypt; Plant grows in desert with sewage water enriched.
"Oxygen in the product of photosynthesis of a green vegetation. How about the barren land or desert, there is no green no oxygen is produced, and no CO2 is absorbed by the green leaves to process photosynthesis. Alas...Unhealthy air. Here is the story about desertification...process to cause desert.
"Desertification is a process of continuous, gradual degradation, during which plants and animals, and geological resources such as water and soil, are stressed beyond their ability to adjust to changing conditions.
Because desertification occurs gradually, and the processes responsible for it are understood, it can often be avoided by planning or reversed before irreparable damage occurs.
The physical characteristics of land undergoing desertification include progressive loss of mature, stabilizing vegetation from the ecosystem, or loss of agricultural crop cover during periods of drought or economic infeasibility, and a resulting loss of unconsolidated topsoil.
This process is called deflation. Erosion by wind and water then winnows the fine-grained silt and clay particles from the soil; dramatic dust storms like those observed during the 1930's Dust Bowl in the American mid-west, and in northern Africa, were essentially composed of blowing topsoil.
Continued irrigation of desertified land increases soil salinity and contaminates groundwater, but does little to reverse the loss of productivity. Finally, ongoing wind and water erosion leads to development of gullies and sand dunes across the deflated land surface.
The forces causing these physical changes to occur may be divided into natural, human or cultural, and administrative causes. Among the natural forces are wind and water erosion of soil, long-term changes in rainfall patterns, and other changes in climatic conditions. The role of drought is variable and related in part to its duration; a prolonged drought accompanied by poor land management may be devastating, while a shorter drought might not have lasting consequences.
As such, drought thus stresses the ecosystem without necessarily degrading it permanently. Rainfall similarly plays a variable role that depends on its duration, the seasonal pattern of its occurrence, and its spatial distribution.
The list of human or cultural influences on desertification includes vegetation loss by overgrazing, depletion of groundwater, surface runoff of rainwater, frequent burning, deforestation, the influence of invasive non-native species, physical compaction of the soil by livestock and vehicles, and damage by strip-mining.
Desertification caused by human influences has a long historical record; there is evidence of such damage caused around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in ancient Mesopotamia. Administrative influences contributing to desertification include encouragement of the widespread cultivation of a single crop for export, particularly if irrigation is required, and the concentration of dense human populations in arid lands.
Poor economic conditions, like the Great Depression in United States in the 1930s, also contribute to degradation of croplands. During that crisis, American farmers were simultaneously confronted with bankruptcy and a decade-long drought, and they left millions of acres of plowed, bare cropland unplanted.
According to the 1934 Yearbook of Agriculture, "Approximately 35 million acres of formerly cultivated land have essentially been destroyed for crop production.... 100 million acres now in crops have lost all or most of the topsoil; 125 million acres of land now in crops are rapidly losing topsoil."
Considering these factors together, desertification can be viewed as a process of interwoven natural, human, and economic forces causing continuous degradation over time.
Therefore, ecosystem and agricultural degradation caused by desertification must be confronted from scientific, social and economic angles.
Fortunately, scientists believe that severe desertification, which renders the land irreclaimable, is rare. Most desertified areas can be ecologically reclaimed or restored to agronomic productivity, if socioeconomic and cultural factors permit restoration. Desert unhealthy air for CO2 dominates, and when the forest exist...then healthy comes.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Desertification : Avoid It To Save Health Ecology
Desertification : Avoid It To Save Health Ecology
This process is gradually and take ecology of desert to be converted to dense forest by the engineering of vegetation and based on the sylviculture technology.
Other condition of desertification is gradual process which land are gradually degraded by man mismanagement and unwise conservation. Desert is the result.
This process is gradually and take ecology of desert to be converted to dense forest by the engineering of vegetation and based on the sylviculture technology.
Other condition of desertification is gradual process which land are gradually degraded by man mismanagement and unwise conservation. Desert is the result.
This condition can be avoided by wise land use and conservation measures. Avoid it to save health ecology
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Cannot Be a Healthy Life without Water.
Cannot Be A Healthy Life Without Water.
Aswan is the biggest Dam in the world, and Egypt is proud that the Nile with the Aswam dam serve to supply water for irrigation, generate electricity, household uses, tourism, and other. It has surface area of 5,250 km2. It reserves 107,000,000 acre ft of water. It has debit 11,000 m3 minute-1, and it supplies irrigation for 3,360,000 ha, and produces electricity of 2,100 MW.
Aswan is the biggest Dam in the world, and Egypt is proud that the Nile with the Aswam dam serve to supply water for irrigation, generate electricity, household uses, tourism, and other. It has surface area of 5,250 km2. It reserves 107,000,000 acre ft of water. It has debit 11,000 m3 minute-1, and it supplies irrigation for 3,360,000 ha, and produces electricity of 2,100 MW.
Northern areas of West Java
(Bekasi, Karawang, Subang and Indramayu regencies) has been famous since the Kingdom history of Hindu Java as the rice producing areas. And since the
Jatiluhur has been operating, in these regencies after one or two harvests of
rice, the fields are cultivated for
horticulture/vegetables, that the areas are also supplying many vegetables
as major crops after rice.
The existence of Jatiluhur dam should change the environment as affected by the pattern of agricultural practices to the more productive and sustainable. However the fact is not in line with what should be or is expected. There are many idle areas uncultivated, and what is worst large areas are converted to non-agricultural purposes. Jatilihur supplying water for two provinces is very important to serve for healthy life in the regions.
The existence of Jatiluhur dam should change the environment as affected by the pattern of agricultural practices to the more productive and sustainable. However the fact is not in line with what should be or is expected. There are many idle areas uncultivated, and what is worst large areas are converted to non-agricultural purposes. Jatilihur supplying water for two provinces is very important to serve for healthy life in the regions.
The Nile water is traditionally controlled by Egypt, and 85% is for
irrigation. The problem that is to be solved is how to make better use of the
existing flow of the Nile. And in the long run Egypt must not be dependent
on the Nile water for up-stream
countries are claiming it. Egypt has potential to develop woods and forest
regions with managing the present Nile water available.
The existence of perennial plants growing in Cairo city indicates that Egyptian land is arable for woods or perennial vegetation. The statement of the head of geology laboratory of Cairo University that Egyptian land was greener than Indonesian in the last time is exactly rational and the better environmental condition can be regained.
The life quality depend on water. No life without water.
The existence of perennial plants growing in Cairo city indicates that Egyptian land is arable for woods or perennial vegetation. The statement of the head of geology laboratory of Cairo University that Egyptian land was greener than Indonesian in the last time is exactly rational and the better environmental condition can be regained.
The life quality depend on water. No life without water.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Healthy With the Benefit and Advantages of Egg Protein
Healthy With the Benefit and Advantages of Egg Protein
Dear here the link to Clixsense.
Our life will be healthy when our body metabolism is supplied with good and healthy food.
Egg has many benefits for our health as food and as a food ingredient.
Eggs are a relatively cheap price, therefore a healthy life is also not necessary to spend a lot of money. Due to healthy living in the note that diet, exercising regularly and having a healthy lifestyle as well.
Many foods are made with ingredients of eggs, the recipe of eggs are also quite widely circulated today.
You can present the egg-based dishes for your family and yourself. One of them is a recipe to make eggs - scrambled eggs salted. Usually eggs - scrambled eggs made with the usual, but this time it will use the salted egg as basic materials. Materials - Raw salted eggs 4 items - 1/4 onion, thinly sliced - 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced - 1 red chili beans, sliced oblique - 150 grams of bean sprouts - 100 grams of carrots - 1/4 teaspoon pepper - 1/2 tsp sugar - Oil to taste Prepare it in warm condition, don't let it is cool.
Egg protein-the Healthy and Long-Lasting Protein All protein sources are perishable or easily spoil, such as meat, and fish. they are easily spoil when put outside the refregerator.
Within 2 times twenty four hours meat and fish is full of decompositor microorganisms, except the egg. Egg is source of protein tha can withstand for some weeks.
Yes, it stands to reason because the protein is protected with the hard skin. I think all of us agree. In addition to the glut groceries, eggs is also useful for health. Eggs not only contain protein, but also contained cholesterol, cholesterol layout is much that is in the yolk.
Egg yolks contain cholesterol not only just, in the yolk also there are many more minerals and vitamins than white eggs. We can get a lot of protein as well as several types of amino acids in the eggs alone.
At one egg also contained Vit B and D. Some studies have also found unique facts, that is, when someone likes eating eggs, then the desire to consume sugar can be reduced. Some of the benefits of eggs are: Egg yolk is a source of choline and Vitamin B - complex which could help brain development in the fetus.
Of course, eggs are also good in consumption by pregnant women. Egg also contains lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the risk of cataracts. These substances have other functions that antioxidants for the eyes, and also can dispel free radicals.
It turns out that eggs could also produce the hormone dopamine, norephinephrine and serotonin, which functions as a hormone that triggers the feeling of happiness. There was no denying that the eggs are the perfect protein source.
Because of the quality possessed by the egg protein is easy to digest by the body and immediately used for fuel to carry out daily activities.
Happy life with good and healthy food.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .
Our life will be healthy when our body metabolism is supplied with good and healthy food.
Egg has many benefits for our health as food and as a food ingredient.
Eggs are a relatively cheap price, therefore a healthy life is also not necessary to spend a lot of money. Due to healthy living in the note that diet, exercising regularly and having a healthy lifestyle as well.
Many foods are made with ingredients of eggs, the recipe of eggs are also quite widely circulated today.
You can present the egg-based dishes for your family and yourself. One of them is a recipe to make eggs - scrambled eggs salted. Usually eggs - scrambled eggs made with the usual, but this time it will use the salted egg as basic materials. Materials - Raw salted eggs 4 items - 1/4 onion, thinly sliced - 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced - 1 red chili beans, sliced oblique - 150 grams of bean sprouts - 100 grams of carrots - 1/4 teaspoon pepper - 1/2 tsp sugar - Oil to taste Prepare it in warm condition, don't let it is cool.
Egg protein-the Healthy and Long-Lasting Protein All protein sources are perishable or easily spoil, such as meat, and fish. they are easily spoil when put outside the refregerator.
Within 2 times twenty four hours meat and fish is full of decompositor microorganisms, except the egg. Egg is source of protein tha can withstand for some weeks.
Yes, it stands to reason because the protein is protected with the hard skin. I think all of us agree. In addition to the glut groceries, eggs is also useful for health. Eggs not only contain protein, but also contained cholesterol, cholesterol layout is much that is in the yolk.
Egg yolks contain cholesterol not only just, in the yolk also there are many more minerals and vitamins than white eggs. We can get a lot of protein as well as several types of amino acids in the eggs alone.
At one egg also contained Vit B and D. Some studies have also found unique facts, that is, when someone likes eating eggs, then the desire to consume sugar can be reduced. Some of the benefits of eggs are: Egg yolk is a source of choline and Vitamin B - complex which could help brain development in the fetus.
Of course, eggs are also good in consumption by pregnant women. Egg also contains lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the risk of cataracts. These substances have other functions that antioxidants for the eyes, and also can dispel free radicals.
It turns out that eggs could also produce the hormone dopamine, norephinephrine and serotonin, which functions as a hormone that triggers the feeling of happiness. There was no denying that the eggs are the perfect protein source.
Because of the quality possessed by the egg protein is easy to digest by the body and immediately used for fuel to carry out daily activities.
Happy life with good and healthy food.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Diabetes Risk of Food and Sweetened Drinks
Diabetes Risk of Food and Sweetened Drinks
Dear brothers and Sisters before we talk more detail on Diabetes. Let's see the link below the link enable people get more income. Please click here to began For FREE creating your account :
Illness of diabetes is associated with the consumption of sugar and sugary foods and beverages. And one of the beverage is Sugary soft drinks increases your risk of developing diabetes type 2.
Each additional consumption of a can or a bottle of 340 ml sugar-sweetened beverages a day increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes by 22%. The more you drink sugar-sweetened beverages, the more likely you are to get diabetes type 2.
That is the conclusion of a major study conducted by Imperial College London in the UK and eight other European countries.
From the 330, 234 people who were followed for 16 years of research, a total of 12,403 people develop type 2 diabetes. As we know, type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by insulin resistance and mainly related to genetic factors (heredity) and lifestyle.
Indonesia ranks the 4th in the world by the number of people with over 21 millions people. According to the cases in 2007, diabetes was the cause of death-2 in urban areas of Indonesia. Although the study can not prove a causal relationship between the consumption of sugary drinks is definitely with diabetes, but the relationship between them is very strong. Increased risk fell only slightly to 18% after adjusting findings to account for body mass index (BMI).
It shows that not just being overweight is causing the trend. In the previous study, the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages a day can have been associated with increased incidence of type 2 diabetes. In the US population happened as much as 25%.
These findings indicate that the correlation is the same in Europe. Sugary drinks can lead to type 2 diabetes because of its effect on body weight. In addition, these drinks also have a glycemic effect can cause rapid spikes in blood glucose, as well as the disruption of the hormone insulin, which typically regulates blood sugar.
The authors also observed a significant increase in the incidence of diabetes associated with the consumption of artificially sweetened soft drinks, but that relationship disappeared after BMI of participants, which may indicate that the relationship is not causal but is driven by the weight of the participants.
Consumption of fruit juices and pure honey is not significantly associated with incident diabetes.
Well, after getting the information above, do you still want to consume sugary drinks every day?
Other times of drinking sweet tea or coca cola, you would better order tea or plain water only.
More efficient and more healthy!
Click here to
Dear brothers and Sisters before we talk more detail on Diabetes. Let's see the link below the link enable people get more income. Please click here to began For FREE creating your account :
Illness of diabetes is associated with the consumption of sugar and sugary foods and beverages. And one of the beverage is Sugary soft drinks increases your risk of developing diabetes type 2.
Each additional consumption of a can or a bottle of 340 ml sugar-sweetened beverages a day increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes by 22%. The more you drink sugar-sweetened beverages, the more likely you are to get diabetes type 2.
That is the conclusion of a major study conducted by Imperial College London in the UK and eight other European countries.
From the 330, 234 people who were followed for 16 years of research, a total of 12,403 people develop type 2 diabetes. As we know, type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by insulin resistance and mainly related to genetic factors (heredity) and lifestyle.
Indonesia ranks the 4th in the world by the number of people with over 21 millions people. According to the cases in 2007, diabetes was the cause of death-2 in urban areas of Indonesia. Although the study can not prove a causal relationship between the consumption of sugary drinks is definitely with diabetes, but the relationship between them is very strong. Increased risk fell only slightly to 18% after adjusting findings to account for body mass index (BMI).
It shows that not just being overweight is causing the trend. In the previous study, the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages a day can have been associated with increased incidence of type 2 diabetes. In the US population happened as much as 25%.
These findings indicate that the correlation is the same in Europe. Sugary drinks can lead to type 2 diabetes because of its effect on body weight. In addition, these drinks also have a glycemic effect can cause rapid spikes in blood glucose, as well as the disruption of the hormone insulin, which typically regulates blood sugar.
The authors also observed a significant increase in the incidence of diabetes associated with the consumption of artificially sweetened soft drinks, but that relationship disappeared after BMI of participants, which may indicate that the relationship is not causal but is driven by the weight of the participants.
Consumption of fruit juices and pure honey is not significantly associated with incident diabetes.
Well, after getting the information above, do you still want to consume sugary drinks every day?
Other times of drinking sweet tea or coca cola, you would better order tea or plain water only.
More efficient and more healthy!
Click here to
Friday, March 18, 2016
Benefits Guava Fruit Nutrition For Health
Benefits Guava Fruit Nutrition For Health
Dear reader, excuse me to direct you to a link of economic beneficial to earn dollars. Please register for FREE to this bux business : Click here to register >>>
And now, I begin to elaborate the benefit of this kind of fruit...
Vegetation growing in village are of many benefits. There are so many kinds of fruits contain valuable nutrition for human health. In terms of skin care, our bodies need adequate vitamin C, antioxidants and carotenoids, because it supports skin health.
One of the fruits is plant bearing fruit easily grow in many villages, and it very familiar among villagers is the guava fruit.
Thus, guavapulp is often used in the manufacture of lotions for face and body. Guava benefits for the skin are as follows: • Anti-Aging: Vitamin A, B, C and potassium which are found from guava seeds is an antioxidant and detoxifier good.
These benefits will keep skin fresh and bright and free from signs of premature aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. In addition, lycopene also has the function of protecting healthy cells from the toxic metabolic waste and pollution that accumulate in the body.
These toxins cause premature aging by damaging DNA. • Natural Skin Toner: Concentrations of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are high in guava effective to improve skin texture, tightens sagging skin and revive the lost skin elasticity.
It thus helps keep our skin to keep its healthy, fresh and wrinkle-free. Guava astringent quality will also keep our skin free from blemishes, acne, and wrinkles. Washing your face with a decoction of guava fruit and leaves crude could beautify your skin. • Treatment of Skin Problems:
The guava fruit provides two times more vitamin C than the recommended daily value. This vitamin also contributes to regenerate collagen (the substance that gives firmness to the skin), so it is good to cure various skin problems. In addition, this fruit also provides about 1.4 micrograms of vitamin K, which is helpful to increase the clotting of blood.
This decrease can cause skin redness and irritation. Other benefits include treatment helps remove dark circles, Rosaceae, irritation of acne and dark spots.
• Improve Facial Skin: To improve the goodness of facial skin, you can make a simple nut scrub at home. For this purpose, take some guava meat then dieskstrak / blender and mixed with egg yolk. Use on the face evenly, and rinse after 20 minutes with warm water. If used once or twice a week, this natural scrub will eliminate dead cells and lighten your skin.
• Skin protection from UV: Red Guava contains 2.9 mg of lycopene or two from the time contained in tomatoes. Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays and environmental pollution. A guava fruit provides about 2.9 grams of lycopene.
Guava Benefit or Hair It has been said above if Guava is a source of nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium, copper, manganese, fiber, flavonoids and others. Thus also very beneficial for healthy hair, hair growth and overcome the problem of hair loss.
For the mean time I end this article to be continued in the next posting.
Dear reader, excuse me to direct you to a link of economic beneficial to earn dollars. Please register for FREE to this bux business : Click here to register >>>
And now, I begin to elaborate the benefit of this kind of fruit...
Vegetation growing in village are of many benefits. There are so many kinds of fruits contain valuable nutrition for human health. In terms of skin care, our bodies need adequate vitamin C, antioxidants and carotenoids, because it supports skin health.
One of the fruits is plant bearing fruit easily grow in many villages, and it very familiar among villagers is the guava fruit.
Thus, guavapulp is often used in the manufacture of lotions for face and body. Guava benefits for the skin are as follows: • Anti-Aging: Vitamin A, B, C and potassium which are found from guava seeds is an antioxidant and detoxifier good.
These benefits will keep skin fresh and bright and free from signs of premature aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. In addition, lycopene also has the function of protecting healthy cells from the toxic metabolic waste and pollution that accumulate in the body.
These toxins cause premature aging by damaging DNA. • Natural Skin Toner: Concentrations of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are high in guava effective to improve skin texture, tightens sagging skin and revive the lost skin elasticity.
It thus helps keep our skin to keep its healthy, fresh and wrinkle-free. Guava astringent quality will also keep our skin free from blemishes, acne, and wrinkles. Washing your face with a decoction of guava fruit and leaves crude could beautify your skin. • Treatment of Skin Problems:
The guava fruit provides two times more vitamin C than the recommended daily value. This vitamin also contributes to regenerate collagen (the substance that gives firmness to the skin), so it is good to cure various skin problems. In addition, this fruit also provides about 1.4 micrograms of vitamin K, which is helpful to increase the clotting of blood.
This decrease can cause skin redness and irritation. Other benefits include treatment helps remove dark circles, Rosaceae, irritation of acne and dark spots.
• Improve Facial Skin: To improve the goodness of facial skin, you can make a simple nut scrub at home. For this purpose, take some guava meat then dieskstrak / blender and mixed with egg yolk. Use on the face evenly, and rinse after 20 minutes with warm water. If used once or twice a week, this natural scrub will eliminate dead cells and lighten your skin.
• Skin protection from UV: Red Guava contains 2.9 mg of lycopene or two from the time contained in tomatoes. Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays and environmental pollution. A guava fruit provides about 2.9 grams of lycopene.
Guava Benefit or Hair It has been said above if Guava is a source of nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium, copper, manganese, fiber, flavonoids and others. Thus also very beneficial for healthy hair, hair growth and overcome the problem of hair loss.
For the mean time I end this article to be continued in the next posting.
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