Saturday, September 5, 2015

Health Advantages of Soybean Milk

Health Advantages of Soybean Milk 

Famous and is acknowledged by nutritious expert that soybean can be the raw material for soy-milk is vegetative source of protein converse to cow-milkHealth, and the  Advantages of Soybean Milk
Soybean milk (more precisely is Sari Soybean) is a kind of drink made rather than yellow beans, got its name because the drink is creamy like milk. Milk is also known as soy milk. Prevalent as soy milk breakfast dishes along with other snacks like "youtiao". Milk beans have a similar composition to the milk: 3.5% protein, 2% fat, and 2.9% carbohydrate.

Many people enjoy the delights of soy milk, no less tasty with milk and give effect to extraordinary health. Here are some of the benefits of soy milk that we all need to know for the health of our bodies by drinking natural milk helps health is always maintained.

- It is as a Beverages for People with Autism
Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs in childhood, so that makes a person unable to conduct social interaction and as if living in his own world. Autism in children is usually called autism infatil. People with autism should not consume foods containing casein (milk protein) and glutein (wheat protein). For people with autism, cow's milk can be replaced with soy milk. Thus, people with autism still obtain the input of protein, vitamins, and minerals is sufficient, So by this creation of preparing soybean milk the food problem could be solved.

-It serves as a drinks for Vegetarian
For vegetarians, soy milk can be served as a main drink. In addition to delicious and refreshing, nutritional value is not inferior to cow's milk. Soy milk is a beverage source of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and provitamin A), a source of minerals (calcium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus), a source of carbohydrates, protein source and fat source).

-It may prevent Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, and Stroke Besides lecithin and isoflavones, soy milk also contains Vitamin E (tocopherol), which also can help prevent coronary heart disease and stroke. Vitamin E is also able to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, so it does not cause plaque that causes blockage of the arteries, and rejuvenate old arteries, making it more elastic and prevent arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

  -Soybean milk can prevent Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus arises because the body lacks insulin, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, and electrolytes. Soy milk contains the amino acids glycine and arginine amino acids are able to maintain the balance of the hormone insulin. In addition, the protein in soy milk is more easily accepted by the kidneys than animal protein. Because the soy milk consumed by people with diabetes mellitus, that is the Health Advantages of Soybean , so it is beneficient to consume for health, and one of them are the nasal health. and please read about the nasal health


  1. What is the most soybean varieties used as milk good?

    1. Soybean varieties used as a good milk varieties are Bromo and Argo Mulyo with proteins 39,4 % and oils 20,8 %
      library :
      Rice Crops Research Institute Sukamandi West Java
      Research Institute for Legumes and potatoes, Malang, East Java

    2. Ok.. thank's.. U.. for all information..
      May be , sometime I've goes to Sukamandi Corps..

    3. You are welcome.. yeah.. a lot of science that we can learn there, good luck... :) :)

  2. Soybean milk is already very well known for its benefits

  3. Is there any ways to make soybean milk more delicious to drink ? So the people would be more appreciate about this beverages

    1. Could be much better if given soybean milk blend of flavors such as strawberry soybean milk , soybean milk oranges , and etc .. :) :)

  4. Soybean Milk is good for health.

    Let us drink Soybean Milk!!!!!!!!

  5. Soy milk is not only tasty but also healthy.

  6. Milk beans have a similar composition to the milk: 3.5% protein, 2% fat, and 2.9% carbohydrate.

  7. Hmmm I do not like soybean milk, it feels weird. But the benefits are very good.

  8. All milk is good for healty but soy bean milk is natural milk it good for vegetarian,for prevent diabetes militus.

  9. Soy milk can be used as an alternative to diet as well and for those who are allergic to cow's milk can also be switched to drink soy milk.

  10. Soy milk also can be used for diet..........

  11. good information , when experiencing allergies to cow's milk can we consume soy milk .

  12. Soy milk is rich in protein, wherein the protein in soy milk is composed of amino acids, such as lecithin, arginine, glycine, lysine, leucine, niacin, tryptophan, isoleucine, threonine and phenylalanine. The protein contained in soy milk is good for the growth and development of the child, repair damaged tissue, improve the immune system in the body and is a constituent of insulin and glycogen in the pancreas because soy milk contains the amino acids arginine and glycine

  13. Soy milk is rich in protein, wherein the protein in soy milk is composed of amino acids, such as lecithin, arginine, glycine, lysine, leucine, niacin, tryptophan, isoleucine, threonine and phenylalanine. The protein contained in soy milk is good for the growth and development of the child, repair damaged tissue, improve the immune system in the body and is a constituent of insulin and glycogen in the pancreas because soy milk contains the amino acids arginine and glycine

  14. Soy milk is very good for health because it is made from plants

  15. Very nice article, don't worry if allergic to cow's milk can be turned out of nutrients in soy milk..
