Monday, August 31, 2015

the Health of Water is Basic Need

Identify Characteristics of Water and healthy water

the Health of Water is Basic Need - Water is a substance that is needed humans as a source of life. Every day we use water to meet daily needs, such as bathing, cooking, washing dishes, washing clothes, and so on.

Do you know the characteristics of clean and healthy water and  as what? Well, You will'll tell, Well, again please acknowledge  to the characteristics of water clean and healthy as anything. OK, listened to, Here are the characteristics healthy water:

1. Healthy Water must be clear and not cloudy
Usually the water is murky due to the grains of soil or sand contained in the water. The more turbid water, the water contains a lot of grains of soil or sand and dirt.

2. Colorless
Colored water means it contains substances that are harmful to the health of our bodies, such as waste water treatment plants and so on.

3. It was tasteless and odorless
If water was sour, bitter, or salty it means the water is of poor quality and not good to use. Water that has a sour smell also was not well used or consumed.

4. The degree of acidity (pH) of its neutral around 6.5 to 8.5
Water that has a low pH will taste sour, while the pH of water is high will taste bitter.

5. Does not contain toxic substances
Clean and healthy water contains no toxic substances, such as arsenic, lead, nitrate, mercury compounds, sulfide compounds, phenolic compounds, ammonia, as well as radioactive materials.

6. There should contain bacteria such as Escherichia coli panthogen. These bacteria can invade the human digestive tract.

Well, friends, now you have them know the characteristics of the water clean and healthy for use and consumption? Let us see, from now on we should pay more attention to the healthy water that we will use is already included in the traits that have already you mentioned above.the Health of Water is Basic Need to build the health village and  establishing health environment.

Establishing Health in the Environment

What is the environment factors.

Establishing Health in the Environment Environment is a combination of physical condition includes a state of natural resources, as well as the flora and fauna that grows on land and in the sea. Environment consists of two components biotic (everything animate) and abiotic (all inanimate).

Clean Environment Healthy Living

Environmental clean healthy living environment that has meaning far from the conditions that cause disease. Clean environment will support the realization of a healthy life. The significance of a clean environment is healthy environment in which we live gives a good impression on the senses and provide health significance.

Occupied environment can support and influence the lives of human beings. If the environment is occupied, people get used to a healthy life, this course will give the impression that both for themselves and society. But otherwise if you live around people who live familiarize dirty and likes to get drunk this will affect your psychological and mental, these conditions should avoid if married because this environment can affect your child relationships and healthy housing that makes beautiful village.

Creating a Clean and Healthy Environment

There are many things we can do to live a healthy life, here are some ways to realize the creation of a Clean Environment Healthy Living.

1. The neighborhood around the house

Fresh home and Asri, source: Google Images

Healthy environment begins with yourself and in the surrounding environment. Health care for themselves, and therefore let us keep and maintain the health of the environment to stay clean. Provide rubbish places in each room that allows the bins are located, usually in the kitchen, in the bathroom and on the home page. Should we provide two types of bins, namely wet waste and dry waste, if the waste is mixed with it will cause the unpleasant smell, and benefits if we separate the dry waste and wet waste is that we can process the waste into useful items back ( recycle) .Buanglah garbage that has accumulated at a certain time or when the trash is already almost full. Do not wait until the dumpster is full because it will cause the unpleasant smell and bring cockroach / flies.

Apply also the principles of 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce) which means Reuse = Reuse, ReCycle = Recycle and Reduce  Provide shelter yard organic waste because the organic waste will be useful later for compost.

2. Clean the floor regularly.

Starting with a sweep up using  mopping floors containing anti-bacterial formula. The floor is part of the house that is directly exposed to the skin, if the dirty floor of course germs will stick to the skin dam causing disease. If the floor of the house is clean and scented will create a good impression and of course good health as well. Should regularly clean the house because of the regular beauty and comfort of home will be more awake.

3. Avoid water Swampy or stagnant

Avoid puddles because stagnant water can cause the breeding of aedes aegypti / dengue mosquito. Avoid puddles immediately and burning garbage piled up in the yard. Healthy water has the characteristic as in this article.

4. Make the ventilation and light spaces

Keep air vents allow fresh air always goes into the house and give room for shining light to enter the room. This will make the house not stuffy, fresh, and not look dull. Good air circulation will affect the quality of the house. A dirty air at home can be easily replaced with clean air.

5. Do Work Activity, the schedule of working can be done accordingly,

6. Expand green plants

Establishing Health in the  Environment  Greenery  in the yard of the house that will make the house look beautiful and fresh. Dirty air will quickly change into fresh air. Thus the article Clean Environment Healthy Living. Hopefully house and nature around us becomes fresh and beautiful, specially in the climate change atmospheric condition.

Detrimental Atmospheric Temperature to Children

Climate change detrimental to children.

Children under 5 years are easily hit by environmental atmospheric condition. Parent should protect the children in a modest way. Clothes in the primary to stabilize the body warm. By wearing appropriate clothes or suitable to the age children.

Climate change is the world's weather system changes caused by humans. The direct impact of climate change will occur, among other things, rising sea levels, rising temperatures, the disruption of water supply, and increasing the quantity and quality of weather-bad weather. The whole effect is usually also be accompanied by social impact and increased health problems. Climate change is also known as the enhanced greenhouse effect or global warming. It is predicted that climate change will lead to disaster for the entire world population.

Causes of climate change
The main cause of climate change is increasing atmospheric temperature , the amount of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, which cause a rise in the average temperature of the earth. In the last 50, the rate of deforestation (deforestation) and the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil, gas, coal has dramatically increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere.

Some people are at high risk for health problems caused by climate change.

Vulnerable groups are:
Children - the immune system of children who have not been perfect and the health of their dependence on others to make them the most vulnerable groups.
Projections of climate change in Indonesia
Three projections of climate change in Indonesia:

a. The projected increase in surface temperature
The projected increase in the average surface temperature throughout Indonesia as a result of greenhouse gases until the period 2020-2050 is about 0.8-1 ° C relative to the last climatic period in the 20th century (Bappenas, 2010).

b. Projected changes in rainfall
Reduced rainfall in the dry season from June to July-August and the transition from September to October-November events Java and Nusa Tenggara Islands and increased rainfall in the rainy season from December to January-June (DJF). This trend is likely to reverse the projected results for most areas in other islands (MoE, 2010).
Decrease in rainfall is quite large in the dry season (July-August-September) in Java and Bali (Naylor, 2007, Li et al 2007).
c. Projections of sea level rise
Rise in sea level provide enormous potential threat against Indonesia, which consists of many small and large islands.
In 2050, the sea level due to global warming is projected to reach 35-40 cm relative to the value in 2000. Based on these results, the maximum sea level in Indonesia can reach 175 cm in 2100 (Bappenas, 2010).
Common impacts of climate change
Climate change will cause a worldwide disaster. Climate change can cause serious health problems, such as:
Increased fatalities due to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, landslides, droughts, and forest fires.
Lack of availability of water supply.
Increased respiratory diseases, cardiovascular, and allergy due to poor air quality, for example, as a result of frequent forest fires.
Increased gastrointestinal disease (indigestion), due to food-borne illness is more common in warm climates.
The increasing incidence of diseases associated with exposure to extreme temperatures, such as fatigue, stroke, and possibly death.

The effects of sea level rise
Rising sea surface and waves are expected to cause a variety of health problems and social problems, such as:
Lost or diminished livelihoods, and reduce the availability of fresh food as a result of changes in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
Mass migration - for example the many islands in Indonesia will be submerged if sea levels continue to rise.

Health problems related to conditions in the refugee camps - for example the problem of hygiene and disease prevention.
Mental illness and trauma related social dislocation, culture, and geography.

The effect of changes in the ecosystem
Some health problems that may arise due to ecosystem changes may include:
Changes in the distribution of infectious diseases - such as mosquitoes which carry malaria or dengue fever is generally limited to areas that are warmer. Because of temperature increases, this mosquito will expand its distribution territory.

Malnutrition and other problems related to lack of food, especially for people living in remote areas.
Impact on agriculture
Access to fresh and nutritious foods is the cornerstone of health. Climate change will greatly reduce the availability of food. Warm weather and rising sea levels will lead to:
Decreasing the growing season most of the plants, so the result will be less.
Kill certain fish populations.

Declining rainfall and river flow, which will reduce the amount of crops and livestock.
Fertile coastal areas will be flooded by sea water, so that no longer fit for agriculture.
Increased frequency of occurrence due to bad weather (such as forest fires), which will disrupt agriculture.

Heat waves and health
Greenhouse gases will continue to "warm up" world. Heat wave generated would lead to a sharp increase in health problems associated with heat, such as:

1. Fatigue
2. Stroke
3. Dehydration
4. Blood clotting problems
5. Heart attack
6. Heart failure
7. Kidney failure.
8. High-risk groups in Indonesia

Parents - many health problems in the elderly that will get worse due to climate change.
People with certain medical conditions - such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, respiratory diseases such as asthma, kidney disease, neurological diseases, metabolic diseases, quadriplegia and other immobility condition.

People who work outside the home - exposure to extreme weather and air pollution would increase a person's risk for developing the disease.

People living in rural or remote areas - risks such as drought, land and forest fires, and loss of livelihood for farmers. the environmental factor is dominant.
People living in coastal areas - rising sea levels and increasing bad weather at sea can cause injury, death or migration. that are the effect of global warming to be detrimental Atmospheric Temperature to Children.



Healthy location for residential of human has meet the below requiremenet. Health requirements of housing and residential neighborhoods according to the Decree of the Minister of Health includes the following parameters:


Not located in areas prone to natural disasters such as flood plains, lava flows, landslides, tsunami, earthquake areas, and so forth;
Not located on the former landfill (TPA) or ex-mine;
Not located in areas prone to fire accidents and areas such as the flow of flight landings.
Air quality

Ambient air quality in the residential environment should be free from interference toxic gases and qualified environmental quality standards as follows:

H2S and NH3 are biologically undetectable;
Dust with a diameter less than 10 g maximum of 150 g / m3;
A maximum of 0.10 ppm SO2 gas;
Dust maximum of 350 mm3 / m2 per day.
Noise and vibration
Noise recommended 45 dB.A, a maximum of 55 dB.A;
Vibration levels up to 10 mm / sec.

 Soil quality in residential areas and settlements

a. The content of Lead (Pb) a maximum of 300 mg / kg
b. The content of Arsenic (As) a total maximum of 100 mg / kg
c. The content of Cadmium (Cd) a maximum of 20 mg / kg
d. The maximum benzopyrene content of 1 mg / kg

Infrastructure and environmental facilities

1. Has a playground for children, family recreation with safe construction of the wreck;
Drainage facilities have become breeding places of disease vectors;

2. Have the means road environment with the provision of road construction does not harm the health, construction of sidewalks do not endanger pedestrians and the disabled, the bridge must have a safety fence, lighting, street does not dazzle;
3. Enough clean water available at all times with the quality of water that meets health requirements;
Management of disposal of excreta and household waste must meet health requirements

4. The management of household waste disposal must meet health requirements;
Have access to health care facilities, communication, work, entertainment venues, a place of education, arts, and so forth;

5. Electrical installation arrangements must ensure the safety of its occupants;
Place food management (TPM) must ensure no contamination of food can cause poisoning.
Disease vectors

Index flies should be eligible;
Wiggler index below 5%.

Trees for greening neighborhoods are protective and also serves to cool, the beauty and the preservation of nature. As for the provision of health requirements residences according Kepmenkes No. 829 / Menkes / SK / VII / 1999 is as follows:

Building material

Not made of materials that can release materials that can be harmful to health, betw een another: total dust less than 150 mg / m2, less than 0.5 asbestos fibers / m3 per 24 hours, of lead (Pb) less than 300 mg / kg of material ;
Not made of materials that can be growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms.
Components and arrangement of the room

    Floor waterproof and easy to clean;
    Ventilated walls of the house, in the bathroom and laundry room watertight and easy to clean;
    The ceiling is easy to clean and is not prone to accidents;
    Bumbungan house 10 m and there is a lightning rod;
    The room is set according to the functions and purposes;
    The kitchen must have a means of exhaust fumes.


Natural lighting and / or artificial, directly or indirectly can illuminate the whole room with a minimum of 60 lux light intensity and does not dazzle.

Air quality

Comfortable air temperature between 18-30 ° C;
Air humidity 40-70%;
SO2 gas is less than 0.10 ppm / 24 hours;
Air exchange 5 ft 3 / min / occupant;
CO gas is less than 100 ppm / 8 hours;
Formaldehyde gas is less than 120 mg / m3
Ventilation: Size permanent natural ventilation holes of at least 10% of the floor area.
Disease vectors: No flies, mosquitoes or rats nesting in the house.
Water supply

Available water supply facility with a minimum capacity of 60 liters / person / day;
 The water quality must meet the health requirements of clean water and / or water according Permenkes Kepmenkes 416 in 1990 and 907 in 2002.
Waste disposal

Liquid waste from households that do not pollute water sources, odorless, and does not pollute the soil surface;
Solid waste must be managed properly so as not to cause odor, does not contaminate the surface of the soil and groundwater.
Spacious bedroom residential density of at least 8 m2 and is not recommended for more than 2 people to sleep.



Standard for healthy housing or Settlement Terms and Healthy that make it looks beautiful-Beauty village.
Settlements are part of the environment outside of protected forest areas, either in the form of urban or rural areas. Settlement serves as a residence or residential environments and activities that support life and livelihood (Law No. 4/1992) .

Housing is a group home that serves as a residence or residential environments equipped with basic environmental infrastructure that is completeness physical environment, for example, drinking water supply, waste disposal, electricity, telephone, roads, allowing neighborhoods to function properly; and environmental facilities are facilities that serve to support the implementation and development of the economic, social and cultural rights, such as playground facilities, sports, education, shopping, transportation facilities, security, and other public facilities.

Healthy housing is a concept of housing as a factor that can improve the health standards of its inhabitants. The concept involves a sociological and technical management of risk factors and oriented location, buildings, qualification, adaptation, management, use and maintenance of the house and the surrounding environment, and includes elements of whether the house has a water supply and adequate facilities for cooking, washing , storing food, as well as the disposal of human waste and other waste (Commission Regarding the Health and Environment WHO, 2001).

Residential areas dominated by residential environment with a primary function as a place to stay that is equipped with the infrastructure and facilities, a work that provides services and limited employment opportunities that support life and livelihood. Unit residential neighborhood is a residential area in different shapes and sizes with the arrangement of land space, infrastructure and facilities structured environment that allows service and optimal management.

Environmental infrastructure is a basic accessory physical settlement environment that allows neighborhoods to function properly. The main infrastructure includes road networks, networks of waste and garbage disposal water, rain water drainage network, water supply network, electricity, telephone, gas, and so forth.

The primary network infrastructure is a major networking environment that connects the residential areas or between residential areas with other areas. Secondary network of environmental infrastructure is the primary branch network of networks that serve the needs of in a single unit residential environment. Means neighborhoods are supporting facilities that serve to maintain and develop the economic, social and cultural.

Examples of environmental facilities are residential facilities shopping center, public services, education and health, places of worship, recreation and sports, parks, cemeteries. Furthermore, the term refers to a public utility service support facilities for residential environments, including clean water, electricity, telephone, gas, transportation, and firefighters. Public utilities require professional management and sustained by a business entity.

Terms of Healthy Housing and Environment Settlements

Health housing and neighborhoods are the physical, chemical, and biological in the home, in the home environment and housing, thus allowing the occupants to get optimal health status. Housing and environmental health requirements of the settlement is the technical provisions of health that must be met in order to protect the occupants and the people who live in the housing and / or the surrounding community of danger or health problems.

Housing health requirements which include housing and residential environment requirements as well as requirements of the house itself, it is necessary for the construction of housing a great impact on improving health of individuals, families and communities (Sanropie, 1992).